Author Topic: ULX always changes me to admin whenever I connect, despite being superadmin.  (Read 4055 times)

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Offline Watashi

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Hi, I've been having some trouble with ULX. It seems that whenever I connect to my server, it makes me an admin, rather than a superadmin, which I had labeled myself as in users.txt. After looking through forums in here, I found some solutions, but they didn't work. I tried renaming groups.txt, so Ulib would renew it. That didn't work. I then renamed users.txt. That didn't work either. So, users.txt is completely empty now, yet it is still marking me as admin. I really want this fixed, because it's extremely mundane to go on to server, go onto server console, make myself superadmin, only to do that the next time I join.

My ULib/ULX are:
ULib v2.61
ULX v3.71

Game mode I am having this problem on:
Bunny Hop

Debug info:
Code: [Select]
ULX version: v3.71
ULib version: v2.61
Gamemode: bhop
Map: bhop_eazy
Dedicated server: true

Currently connected players:
Nick                            steamid            uid        id lsh
Watashi                         STEAM_0:0:53039179 3097251337 1  n  
Bot01                           BOT                1513418020 2  n  
Bot02                           BOT                3275603102 3  n  

ULib.ucl.users (#=0):

ULib.ucl.groups (#=4):
1 = awarn_delete
2 = awarn_options
3 = pointshop2 createitems
4 = pointshop2 exportimport
5 = pointshop2 manageitems
6 = pointshop2 managemodules
7 = pointshop2 manageservers
8 = pointshop2 manageusers
9 = pointshop2 reset
10 = pointshop2 usepac
11 = ps2_addpoints
12 = ulx addgroup
13 = ulx adduser
14 = ulx adduserid
15 = ulx banid
16 = ulx banip
17 = ulx cexec
18 = ulx convar
19 = ulx crash
20 = ulx ent
21 = ulx exec
22 = ulx fakeban
23 = ulx getcommandtable
24 = ulx gethooktable
25 = ulx gravity
26 = ulx groupallow
27 = ulx groupdeny
28 = ulx hiddenecho
29 = ulx hide
30 = ulx hook
31 = ulx ip
32 = ulx logchat
33 = ulx logdir
34 = ulx logecho
35 = ulx logechocolorconsole
36 = ulx logechocolordefault
37 = ulx logechocoloreveryone
38 = ulx logechocolormisc
39 = ulx logechocolorplayer
40 = ulx logechocolorplayerasgroup
41 = ulx logechocolors
42 = ulx logechocolorself
43 = ulx logevents
44 = ulx logfile
45 = ulx logjoinleaveecho
46 = ulx logspawns
47 = ulx logspawnsecho
48 = ulx luarun
49 = ulx maprestart
50 = ulx maul
51 = ulx printhooks
52 = ulx rcon
53 = ulx removegroup
54 = ulx removehook
55 = ulx removehookcl
56 = ulx removeuser
57 = ulx removeuserid
58 = ulx renamegroup
59 = ulx resetmap
60 = ulx runscript
61 = ulx runscriptcl
62 = ulx sasay
63 = ulx sconvar
64 = ulx scrash
65 = ulx seesasay
66 = ulx sendlua
67 = ulx setgroupcantarget
68 = ulx speed
69 = ulx srunscript
70 = ulx srunscriptcl
71 = ulx ssendlua
72 = ulx stopsounds
73 = ulx stopvote
74 = ulx surl
75 = ulx unbanip
76 = ulx url
77 = ulx userallow
78 = ulx userallowid
79 = ulx userdeny
80 = ulx userdenyid
81 = ulx voteecho
82 = xgui_gmsettings
83 = xgui_managebans
84 = xgui_managegroups
85 = xgui_svsettings
inherit_from = admin
1 = ulx seeasay
can_target = !%admin
inherit_from = user
1 = ulx asay
2 = ulx donate
3 = ulx help
4 = ulx motd
5 = ulx profile
6 = ulx psay
7 = ulx soundlist
8 = ulx thetime
9 = ulx thirdperson
10 = ulx usermanagementhelp
11 = ulx version
12 = ulx votegag
13 = ulx votemap
14 = ulx votemute
15 = ulx who
1 = awarn_remove
2 = awarn_view
3 = awarn_warn
4 = inv giveitem
5 = ulx armor
6 = ulx ban
7 = ulx blind
8 = ulx bot
9 = ulx bring
10 = ulx cancelcmd
11 = ulx chattime
12 = ulx cleardecals
13 = ulx cloak
14 = ulx color
15 = ulx csay
16 = ulx csaycolor
17 = ulx dban
18 = ulx deaths
19 = ulx enter
20 = ulx exit
21 = ulx explode
22 = ulx fbring
23 = ulx frags
24 = ulx freeze
25 = ulx friends
26 = ulx fteleport
27 = ulx gag
28 = ulx gimp
29 = ulx give
30 = ulx giveammo
31 = ulx god
32 = ulx goto
33 = ulx hp
34 = ulx ignite
35 = ulx jail
36 = ulx jailtp
37 = ulx jumppower
38 = ulx kick
39 = ulx kickafternamechanges
40 = ulx kickafternamechangescooldown
41 = ulx kickafternamechangeswarning
42 = ulx kickbots
43 = ulx launch
44 = ulx map
45 = ulx material
46 = ulx mechatenabled
47 = ulx model
48 = ulx motdfile
49 = ulx motdurl
50 = ulx multiban
51 = ulx mute
52 = ulx noclip
53 = ulx notepad
54 = ulx notifications
55 = ulx pgag
56 = ulx physgunplayer
57 = ulx playsound
58 = ulx printpgags
59 = ulx ragdoll
60 = ulx removeragdolls
61 = ulx removetrail
62 = ulx reservedslots
63 = ulx resetcolor
64 = ulx resetmaterial
65 = ulx return
66 = ulx rslots
67 = ulx rslotsmode
68 = ulx rslotsvisible
69 = ulx sban
70 = ulx scale
71 = ulx seeanonymousechoes
72 = ulx send
73 = ulx serverinfo
74 = ulx setammo
75 = ulx setwarp
76 = ulx sgive
77 = ulx shock
78 = ulx showmotd
79 = ulx slap
80 = ulx slay
81 = ulx spawnecho
82 = ulx spectate
83 = ulx sslay
84 = ulx strip
85 = ulx teleport
86 = ulx timedcmd
87 = ulx trail
88 = ulx tsay
89 = ulx tsaycolor
90 = ulx unban
91 = ulx unblind
92 = ulx uncloak
93 = ulx unfreeze
94 = ulx ungag
95 = ulx ungimp
96 = ulx ungod
97 = ulx unignite
98 = ulx unigniteall
99 = ulx unjail
100 = ulx unmute
101 = ulx unpgag
102 = ulx unragdoll
103 = ulx unvotegag
104 = ulx unvotemute
105 = ulx unwatch
106 = ulx veto
107 = ulx vote
108 = ulx voteban
109 = ulx votebanminvotes
110 = ulx votebansuccessratio
111 = ulx votegagminvotes
112 = ulx votegagsuccessratio
113 = ulx votekick
114 = ulx votekickminvotes
115 = ulx votekicksuccessratio
116 = ulx votemap2
117 = ulx votemap2minvotes
118 = ulx votemap2successratio
119 = ulx votemapenabled
120 = ulx votemapmapmode
121 = ulx votemapmintime
122 = ulx votemapminvotes
123 = ulx votemapsuccessratio
124 = ulx votemapvetotime
125 = ulx votemapwaittime
126 = ulx votemuteminvotes
127 = ulx votemutesuccessratio
128 = ulx warp
129 = ulx watch
130 = ulx watchlist
131 = ulx welcomemessage
132 = ulx whip
can_target = !%superadmin
inherit_from = operator

ULib.ucl.authed (#=3):
group = admin
guest = true
group = user
guest = true
group = user
guest = true

Garrysmod default file (#=1):

Active workshop addons on this server:

Active legacy addons on this server:

Offline OpticPotatOS

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Umm, so, first things first, you should only edit the user.txt and groups.txt if you 100% know what you are doing. Otherwise, add yourself via console and you will stay superadmin. Really, you should just do that anyway.

Second, try reinstalling ULX and ULib? Fixes most problems I find.
My website isn't my website, rather, it's the gaming network my sever is connected to.

Unforeseen Consequences

Offline Watashi

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Umm, so, first things first, you should only edit the user.txt and groups.txt if you 100% know what you are doing. Otherwise, add yourself via console and you will stay superadmin. Really, you should just do that anyway.

Second, try reinstalling ULX and ULib? Fixes most problems I find.

Indeed, I do know what I am doing. Editing the file names was a supposed fix on this website. The problem is I am adding myself via console, however it won't keep me as superadmin. None of my other staff are having this problem, only me. I have tried reinstalling them, however that doesn't work either.

Offline OpticPotatOS

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But did you add yourself, at the start, via console or did you edit the user.txt file?

Sorry if it sounded like I was suggesting that you didn't know what you were doing, by the way.
My website isn't my website, rather, it's the gaming network my sever is connected to.

Unforeseen Consequences

Offline Stickly Man!

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Check your garrysmod\garrysmod\settings\users.txt file-- This is the file to configure default admin permissions in vanilla Garry's Mod, and ULX may be pulling your admin privilege from there.
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Offline Watashi

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But did you add yourself, at the start, via console or did you edit the user.txt file?

Sorry if it sounded like I was suggesting that you didn't know what you were doing, by the way.
Nah, it's okay. Yeah, I did add myself via console.

Check your garrysmod\garrysmod\settings\users.txt file-- This is the file to configure default admin permissions in vanilla Garry's Mod, and ULX may be pulling your admin privilege from there.
The file isn't there :/

Offline Bytewave

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Does ULib refresh its user data on PlayerInitialSpawn or when it loads? Because, if it's the latter, I have to ask... have you restarted your server?
bw81@ulysses-forums ~ % whoami

Offline Watashi

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Does ULib refresh its user data on PlayerInitialSpawn or when it loads? Because, if it's the latter, I have to ask... have you restarted your server?

Sorry for sounding like a noob, but how do I find that out?

Offline Bytewave

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Sorry for sounding like a noob, but how do I find that out?
The first question was mainly meant for Team Ulysses themselves, sorry.
I would assume you know how to restart your server, though.
bw81@ulysses-forums ~ % whoami

Offline Watashi

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The first question was mainly meant for Team Ulysses themselves, sorry.
I would assume you know how to restart your server, though.

Oh XD. Yeah, I do. I've restarted it multiple times.