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Hi! So me and some friends are currently running a Starwars RP server thats been up for about a month now. Unfortunately we've had a recurring issue with ulx resetting upon each map restart, however we switched to a different host as the old server didn't have much storage space on it. Since switching to our new host we've unfortunately had a similar issue however, I have set up all of our ulx ranks (trial gamemaster, trial mod, gamemaster, mod, senior gamemaster, senior mod, head mod, trial admin, administrator, senior admin, head gamemaster, head admin, and superadminr as targetting superadmins is a little wonky when creating new ranks), they are all in that order on the server. No spaces or - in the ranks, i.e seniormod, headmod, etc.

The new issue we're having is that even though things were set up properly and all ranks were working fine when I set them up, they seem to randomly changed their targetting order, with superadmin now being at the bottom, trialgamemaster being at the top, and all the other ranks being out of order. This is all the information I have on the situation as of right now, I hope that this helps and I appreciate any and all answers I will receive, thank you for your time!

My ULib/ULX versions (run "ulx version" in console):
ULib v2.71d
ULX v3.81d

Game mode(s) I am having this problem on: Starwars RP

Lua errors shown in console, if any:

[TFA-Base [fixed]] lua/tfa/modules/tfa_hooks.lua:665: attempt to index local 'line' (a nil value)
  1. fn - lua/tfa/modules/tfa_hooks.lua:665
   2. unknown - addons/ulib/lua/ulib/shared/hook.lua:109

Community Servers / DarklandServers Fortwars is BACK!
« Last post by Proximity77 on December 06, 2023, 09:14:48 PM »
DarklandServers is excited to announce that we have revived the beloved game mode Fortwars on Garry’s Mod! Darkland consists of a dedicated team committed to classic game modes. We also have an active discord server with over 300 players. Fortwars was first created in 2008 by us and has grown a loyal community of fans over the years.

Fortwars is a FPS game mode that consists of teams fighting for control of the ball while building forts out of props to provide cover. Fortwars is easy to learn and has a surprising amount of strategic depth as well. Gain money by killing enemies, holding the ball, healing allies, and destroying enemy bases!

Fortwars includes:
- 20 classes with unique identities, playstyles, and upgrades
- Over 300 community made maps
- A support team that quickly responds to issues
- A friendly player base
- Developers that listen and incorporate community feedback
- Your favorite class, pumpkinman!

Server address:
Our Website: http://www.darklandservers.net/
Link to discord: https://discord.gg/darkland

DarklandServers also runs Zombie Survival, Puzzles, Fretta Mini-Games and Extreme Football Throwdown. We also have plans to shortly revive the classic RP we hosted and Sassilization! See the discord group for more details.

#darklandservers #darklandfortwars #fortwars #seowrp #darklandrp #sassilization #roleplay #eft #extremefootballthrowdown #extremefootball #garrysmod #gmod #puzzles #hl2dmpuzzles #zombiesurvival

Community Servers / Incursion Networks || Half-Life 2 Roleplay
« Last post by litterallysofire on December 03, 2023, 03:31:59 PM »

Are you looking for an interesting and fun roleplaying experience? Than look no further than Incursion Networks! We offer a semi-serious RP experience based around the games Half-Life 2 and Half-Life: Alyx, taking place 16 years after the Combines occupation and just after HL:A.

The server is currently in an open beta! But we would love some new members to help us test. Some of the things we offer are:

• Monthly Events
• Custom weapons and addons
• Different factions and classes

So come on and join Incursion Networks today!  ;D

Community Servers / ?[UK]HashRP ? FastDL ? Unbox ? Grand Opening!?
« Last post by Lux on December 01, 2023, 07:42:20 AM »
🚀 Join the Ultimate Gaming Experience at HashRP Forums! 🎮

Are you ready to take your gaming adventures to the next level? Look no further! HashRP is the place to be for an unparalleled gaming experience that transcends the ordinary. Here's why you should be a part of our incredible community:

🌐 Massive Job Opportunities with Advanced Gameplay Mechanics:
With a plethora of diverse jobs to choose from, you're sure to find the perfect role for your skills and interests. HashRP boasts an extensive job market, offering a variety of professions to suit every player's taste. Immerse yourself in advanced gameplay mechanics, including a leaning system, sliding system, and even wall running, ensuring an immersive and dynamic gaming environment.

🌟 VIP Jobs
Elevate your experience with exclusive VIP, VIP+, and VIP++ memberships, each offering a range of unique jobs tailored for our premium players. Enjoy special privileges and access to high-tier opportunities that set you apart from the rest of the gaming community.

💎 Hundreds of Pounds Worth of Custom Addons
Our commitment to excellence is reflected in the extensive collection of custom addons, worth hundreds of pounds, that enrich your gaming experience. We spare no effort in delivering top-notch quality and unique content.

💼 Unbox and Bank/Armory Heists:
Engage in heart-pounding unbox and bank/armory heists that will test your strategic prowess and teamwork. The adrenaline rush is real as you navigate the challenges and reap the rewards!

🔝 Levelling System for Better Jobs
Climb the ranks and unlock better jobs with our innovative leveling system. The more you play, the more opportunities and challenges you unlock, ensuring an immersive and progressive gameplay experience.

Don't miss out on the excitement – join HashRP today and elevate your gaming journey to new heights! 🚀?
Community Servers / KGN MethRP is back
« Last post by Mr. Knight on October 21, 2023, 02:27:37 PM »
Knight-Gaming-Networks Is bringing back Meth RP.
Tired of scrolling through a list of hundreds of servers look no more we are under our own Game-Mode.
Semi-Serious RP with drugs Weed and Meth "obviously" Realistic Police, Bitcoin Miners, ATM's, Slot Machine's and many more.
Help me bring back my childhood by making this game-mode great again...

PS.. if you see this and you join the server and you see the admin online and tell him "Meth RP Rocks" in chat and he sees it he will give you $100k ingame...
Hi there, thanks again for the provided help. Sorry if I have been taking long to answer, I've been busy these last days ^^

Fortunately and as you said, the said issue has been resolved, so I guess that it could still appear to be useful to people having such trouble in the future. The fix was to reset the entirety of the server, put back the addons and the data, and pouf, everything worked again.
I wasn't able to see anything amiss in the files you sent me. So hopefully the issues stay resolved for you! Let us know if you continue to have any issues, and feel free to swing by our Discord as you'll likely get some quicker response times there.
Community Servers / Odyssey CWRP Gaming
« Last post by Kenji on September 10, 2023, 06:29:49 PM »
Odyssey Gaming is a new CWRP server, and we'd love to expand our player base! We want to offer a fun experience to players,
 while also catering to their needs. We are dedicated to listening to our community and making the server an enjoyable experience.

We have dedicated Dev support, amazing hosting, good weapons, and more!

We would love to grow and expand, so come make suggestions! We'd love to hear from the community about what they want to see in the server.

This server is also really driven by roleplay and love to have tons of it on the server also!

Our Current Battalions are as follows:
501st Legion - Attack
Doom's Unit - Defense
104th Battalion - Mechanized
Shock Security - Military Police
Base Ops - Republic Command

After another day of struggle, I decided to clutch at straws and entirely wipe out the server in order to rebuild it from scratch ; since deleting add-ons, data and resetting the config files didn't work until now.

Surprisingly, the factory reset didn't bring back the issues after putting back the add-ons and data files from the previous FTP save, so I'm starting to assume that this whole succession of diverse ULX errors happened to come, in fact, from another folder that I'm still to this day unable to identify.

To find out the troublemaker, I could indeed provide you these files as well as my old save, if you would like to obtain some info about the current config I had until now.

Additionally, I will not claim victory yet, since I still have to add back some things like my sv.db and probably some other \data folders from some add-ons. I will give you the said files when coming back on my computer tomorrow.

Anyways, thanks again for the support.
Removing the xgui_managebans permission didn't fix the issue

Just to double check, do make sure you have completely removed the permission, by default it's on both the superadmin and also inherited from the admin group. If successful, the "bans" tab should not be shown at all in XGUI.


If you really want to rule out third party addons, the best test would be to set up a plain vanilla server on the sandbox gamemode on a standard map (like gm_flatgrass), then make sure there are no other addons or workshop mods installed besides ULX and ULib.


If that still isn't working, and if you're comfortable sharing, could you send me the following configuration files from your server? I could take a quick peek and see if anything stands out of the ordinary. Don't post them publicly, either DM me or send them to sticklyman@ulyssesmod.net. If any of these files contain an RCON password, please remove that before sending it to me.
 - garrysmod\data\ulib\*
 - garrysmod\data\ulx\*
 - garrysmod\cfg\banned_ip.cfg
 - garrysmod\cfg\banned_user.cfg
 - garrysmod\cfg\network.cfg
 - garrysmod\cfg\server.cfg
 - garrysmod\sv.db

(Alternately, you could try deleting some of these above files to ensure a clean server slate and see if that helps solve anything. Make a copy first!)
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