having a small issue after the paypal transaction is complete the donator gets this as an email
Thank you for your purchase
Your rank information
Is there any
There has been an issue when adding your SteamID to the correct usergroup.
Please contact the server admin to resolve this issue.
Ive tested it my self and i get the same results if i check the php table the info is there (seen here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2418443/images/php.JPG)
i get the money from the transaction and im positive i set up the config.php correctly.
EDIT: upon investigation i found in the error log the ip the port and the pass are all correct im not sure what the issue is....
I had this issue myself when I changed the configuration, I thought it may have been my host being a derp and blocking outward connections to my serverIP, but I tested the Rcon script on its own and it connected fine, but not in the donation system.
Setting the permissions on rcon_code.php to 755 worked for me last night, although I have just tested it again twice just there with default permissions (644) and it connected to my rcon fine.
Its a long shot but check your websites IP address isn't in the banned_ip.cfg file in your garrysmod/garrysmod/cfg directory. (as too many failed rcon attempts will ban the IP)
It could also be that the connection is taking too long and timing out.
A successful donation should print like this in the log.txt
Connected to database
Table exists, Connecting to table.
IPN Validated.
test@wullysgamers.co.uk wully 1.00 STEAM_0:0:14806053 iron
Added to database.
IP: Port: 27065 Password: <password removed> Command: ulx adduserid STEAM_0:0:14806053 iron
(Console) added [WB] Wully to group iron
ServerLog: [ULX] (Console) added [WB] Wully to group iron
My only suggestion is to check if you can connect to your server through your rcon password in a client like HLSW or something. Make sure in your configuration you have not left in the colon(

after the IP address and make sure the port is correct.
I'll try my best and make a tutorial today explaining how to test paypal stuff in paypals sandbox - this uses mock accounts which you create on paypal to pay money, it means your not using your own real money to test the system before its ready.