Author Topic: ULX Multiple ranking trees  (Read 3807 times)

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Offline MikeyMatou

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ULX Multiple ranking trees
« on: January 25, 2017, 03:29:47 AM »
My ULib/ULX versions (run "ulx version" in console):
ULib v2.61
ULX v3.71

Game mode(s) I am having this problem on: DarkRP
I was unable to find any other post relating to multiple trees, so I'll try it now.

Simply putting it, there are admins and event ranks. The tree is as follows in order:

eventmaster (Equal to admins, so can target is set for !%superadmin)
admin (Equal to eventmaster, so can target is set for !%superadmin)
event (Equal to moderator, so can target is set for !%eventmaster, admin)
moderator (Equal to event, so can target is set for !%eventmaster, admin)
t-mod (Equal to t-event, so can target is set for !%moderator, event)
t-event (Equal to t-event, so can target is set for !%moderator, event)
And then user.

Well, the issue here resides in the fact that all is well when it comes to targeting each other except "event" and "moderator". They can target any rank. The other ranks are fine seemingly.

As for inheritance, they all inherit off their tree's previous rank. So t-mod > mod > admin and t-event > event > eventmaster.

Any suggestions?

« Last Edit: January 25, 2017, 03:31:44 AM by MikeyMatou »

Offline BlueNova

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Re: ULX Multiple ranking trees
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2017, 06:35:57 AM »
For event, if it's equal to moderator then just do this "!%admin" since eventmaster should inherit from admin. So if you set it's targeting to deny targeting admins it'll also deny all inherited groups (from my knowledge)

For moderator it's the same story. If it's equal to event then just do "!%admin" so it can't target any groups that inherit from admin.

This is all assuming you have eventmaster inheriting from admin.

Offline MikeyMatou

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Re: ULX Multiple ranking trees
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2017, 06:44:55 AM »
For event, if it's equal to moderator then just do this "!%admin" since eventmaster should inherit from admin. So if you set it's targeting to deny targeting admins it'll also deny all inherited groups (from my knowledge)

For moderator it's the same story. If it's equal to event then just do "!%admin" so it can't target any groups that inherit from admin.

This is all assuming you have eventmaster inheriting from admin.

Ah, well permissions are different from admin and eventmaster (and the other ranks), so they inherit off the previous rank in it's tree. So eventmaster is off event, not admin.

Offline BlueNova

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Re: ULX Multiple ranking trees
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2017, 07:01:47 AM »
Individual access to commands can be granted to ranks individually.

I can put this to test myself later and give you a more concrete answer as it's hard to do so when I don't have access to play with this myself unless someone comes in and gives you a better answer before me.

Offline MikeyMatou

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Re: ULX Multiple ranking trees
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2017, 07:25:07 AM »
Yeah I know individual access can be given...just hoping I wouldn't have to do it like that haha. Would take ages to setup ranks.

BUT. Even if I did do that, some of the lower ranks (like Moderator) are actually more powerful (for some commands) then the higher ranks. I am guessing you are talking about inheritance.

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Re: ULX Multiple ranking trees
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2017, 10:09:42 AM »
First, are your groups actually branching in terms of inheritance? (If you can start from root, and follow 'inherits from' all the way down to 'user', and you did not miss any groups, then you had no branches).

If so, read my post here. It has a lot of good information on this subject, especially why the targeting system isn't working like you expect it to (it's a known limitation of our targeting system we want to address in ULX4):

If not, still read that post above because it has some good information. One thing I can point out is that your event and moderator can_target values are not set up right:
event (Equal to moderator, so can target is set for !%eventmaster, admin)
moderator (Equal to event, so can target is set for !%eventmaster, admin)

"admin" is not specified with a group operator, so it's going to match by users with the partial name of "admin". You would need to either use a % (group plus any groups that inherit from group), or use the # operator (group only). It might work properly if you change it to "!%eventmaster,#admin"- try it yourself and see if it fixes your problem. If not, I would recommend manually specifying each group that they should be able to target like so: #group1,#group2,etc...
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Offline MikeyMatou

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Re: ULX Multiple ranking trees
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2017, 11:51:07 PM »
First, are your groups actually branching in terms of inheritance? (If you can start from root, and follow 'inherits from' all the way down to 'user', and you did not miss any groups, then you had no branches).

If so, read my post here. It has a lot of good information on this subject, especially why the targeting system isn't working like you expect it to (it's a known limitation of our targeting system we want to address in ULX4):

If not, still read that post above because it has some good information. One thing I can point out is that your event and moderator can_target values are not set up right:
"admin" is not specified with a group operator, so it's going to match by users with the partial name of "admin". You would need to either use a % (group plus any groups that inherit from group), or use the # operator (group only). It might work properly if you change it to "!%eventmaster,#admin"- try it yourself and see if it fixes your problem. If not, I would recommend manually specifying each group that they should be able to target like so: #group1,#group2,etc...

Thanks a bunch for the assistance. I seem to of completely forgotten about "#", and it worked.