Not in the FAQS. I found out how though through a bit of googling and reading. Almost missed it.
Right-click the top of the srcds window (where the X button resides). Select edit, select "select all" and just press enter.
Disabling all ULX/ULib dependent addons and leave only UPS doesn't help.
UPDATE: This message -> "SQLite query returned nil. This is normal if you're performing things like UPDATE or INSERT queries." is unrelated to our problem. It disappears when I disable addons other than UPS, so it's not related.
UPDATE2: Even a listen server doesnt help (yes the server itself doesn't seem to detect that it has UPS, and the same message Mika32 gets appear). Mind boggling.
Probably related to SVNs. I guess I really do need non-svn builds

UPDATE3: Unolimited isn't working as well. I think this is related.