And thank you all for using it!
Update time!This update took me much, MUCH longer than I had planned, and I still didn't get everything I wanted to done. (i.e. Ban filtering/searching)
This update was mostly a huge backend update to client->server data processing and finally allows modules to integrate with the server-side portion of XGUI. I also changed how modules are connected via XGUI (probably for the last time), therefore any existing third party mods for XGUI will be broken until the authors fix them. I also split most of the code in xgui_server.lua file into various files found in /lua/ulx/xgui/server/.
Other cool changes include full ban editing (you can now edit the name, reason, AND unban date!), and I integrated it all with the Add Ban window, for familiarity and efficiency! Also included is a special safety check to make sure you don't accidentally remove xgui_managegroups, ulx groupallow, etc. from yourself which will prevent you from easily getting it back. (It shows a nice, big warning!) I also fixed a number of bugs, and also left some bugfixes unchanged (can't remember which bugs were caused by the backend update..

All in all, this update may bring about a few bugs I haven't yet noticed, so be sure to report back with any issues you have!
Check for ULX rev 163!
+Added: Safety check: XGUI shows a warning when you are about to remove access to xgui_managegroups, or ulx groupallow, ulx userdeny, etc. from yourself.
+Added: Serverside XGUI code is now modular!
+Added: "xgui xban" and "xgui fban" are now console commands.
+Added: XGUI command info to ulx help
*Changed: You can now fully edit bans and change the name, reason, and ban length all from one window!
*Changed: Added automatic word-wrapping to a few more places.
*Changed: Ban details window now updates when changes to the ban is made.
*Changed: Ban details window stays open when you click "edit bans"
*Changed: Merged sv_ulx.lua into server.lua
*Changed: Major backend overhaul adding modularity support for server-side code and improved client-side modules.
*Changed: Split xgui_server.lua into seperate files on a per-module basis.
*Changed: Backend code modularizing xgui "datatypes", changed backend data transfers, and data updating functionality.
=Fixed: Small bug where the "Apply Restrictions" button had the wrong label in certain circumstances.
=Fixed: Source Engine bans are now showing up again!
=Fixed: Bug when trying to edit UTeam parameters that were loaded from empty_teams.txt
=Fixed: XLIB: Label wouldn't properly accept the width parameter.