wow that's so cool but do i need ulx/ulib to work it? and commands are the same?
XGUI is an extension of ULX/ULib, they go hand in hand

You DO need to make sure you have the latest SVN versions of both though.
And now I present to everyone: The new (almost complete) groups module!

The new groups module supports creating, removing, renaming, and setting inheritance of groups. It also supports managing of the players within each group, and you can move them back and forth between groups.

(Also check out that infobar on the bottom!)
Unlike the old groups module, the new one now fully supports ULX's integrated UTeam! You can change a group's team, a team's color/name, the order/priority of teams, and any teams modifiers live, IN GAME!

Currently supports setting the following UTeam fields:
Also in this update, XGUI no longer redownloads data from the client that it already has (when the modules are refreshed, due to a player's permissions changing or some other things). I also fixed a bug relating to how XGUI handles gamemode server settings modules, so that it will load properly on gamemodes that contain spaces in their names ("Trouble in Terrorist Town"). Atomicspark is working on a TTT module that we hope to be able to include with XGUI by default!
In the next couple of days, I will be implementing setting a group's can_target immunity setting, allowing/removing access to commands and other access strings (in a grouped fashion), as well as handling per-argument restrictions for commands. So sit tight!
In similar news, we are preparing to release XGUI packaged with the release version of ULX/ULib, so if you know of any bugs or things you think should be fixed first (I'm not going to be able to finish all of the features I have planned by release), then let me know!
Here's the changelog:
+Added: New groups module! Supports adding/removing of groups, managing players within groups, and UTeam settings. (Accesses and Restrictions coming soon!)
*Changed: Updated XGUI refresh code to better optimize data sending between client/server. (No longer downloads info it already has)
*Changed: Minor optimization and code cleanup
=Fixed: Incorrect method of checking gamemode name preventing loading of gamemode modules with spaces in the gamemode name (TTT). -Thanks atomicspark!