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Hmm. Well I know the ui is screwy on the workshop version... in my version I changed the data files to table-to-keyvalues instead of table-to-json just to be consistent with the rest of ulx/ulib, I'm starting to wonder if maybe I shouldn't have done that... or if there is another reason that it wasn't working for you.I could upload my version, as far as I know it is completely working aside from whatever Tristian's issue was... is the SVN still the gm12 version? Or are you talking about the Workshop?
Hi guys,Just found this and installed as it seems nice . A few questions:When adding restrictions, what format does target/model need to be in? Is there a way to block ALL things of that type? eg- SWEPThe limits menu doesn't seem to have all the things in there, I take it these are the sbox_maxnpc etc etc?Will this and FAdmin get along?Thanks.
I'm a bit confused on format of restricting tools.
thanks aaron
ulx restrict tool "Target name/model path" "groups"
ulx restrict tool adv_duplicator user trusted
Tool restriction is quite simple. Simply grab the tool that you wish to restrict, use it and then check console to see what the tool is called. Then type the following in consoleCode: [Select]ulx restrict tool "Target name/model path" "groups"Below is an example of restricting Advanced Duplicator from groups user and trusted.Code: [Select]ulx restrict tool adv_duplicator user trusted
"models/airboat.mdl": { "1": "*" }, "models/ambulance.mdl": { "1": "*" }, "models/buggy.mdl": { "1": "*" }, "models/combine_apc.mdl": { "1": "*" },}