Author Topic: A "Just Cause" - Humble Bundle  (Read 10786 times)

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A "Just Cause" - Humble Bundle
« on: October 11, 2011, 09:29:06 AM »

1 day left. I payed more than the minimum to get the 'extra' bundle.
Looking at the video example, I'm not even sure I'll like the games.
You can get them on steam or torrent them to local machine.

Not even sure I'll have time to play (Career is a requirement + MC is an addiction!)
But, its supporting indie devs. It's supporting EFF and other charities.
Technically, Team Ulysses and most the regular's here are indie devs.
I'd hope someone would support any of us some day if we ever did similar.

Just go give them a few bucks.

---- Below this line, I'll update what I think as I play -----
Trauma - Point/click/mouse gesture puzzle game - solve mysteries of what you don't clearly remember/puzzles to do things.
I love it. Seems each one of four sections has alternative endings, depending on how you solve the mystery/puzzle.

Trine - Puzzle platformer. Play one of three characters at any one time to solve each challenge in front of you. Beautifully done graphics. Like it now in tutorial and first part of intro level. Not sure I will like it to it's conclusion. Depends on how hard any (I've not yet seen) enemies are, how quick I have to change between characters to attack said enemy. I've never been quick in console/platformer type games and easily grow frustrated.
So far, think I'll like it.

Frozen Synapse - Basically, a logic programming bot-ish game. You program various 'units' to do various things at various waypoints to shoot opposing units.
It has stages, planning, and two others I forget the name of but 2 is activation, 3 is result.
I like the idea. Unfortunately, There are many various options to do at each waypoint, and I'm not fast enough at this type of logic planning for me to enjoy it, and easily grow impatient. The tutorial for me was trying enough.
I understand HOW to do it... I just don't have the patience too. You quick logic thinkers will love it. I'll stick to singleplayer (as usual)
Overall so far - Good game, just not for me.

SpaceChem - Much like Frozen Synapse, but with atoms/reactors/and instead of killing an opponent, you attempt to end up with certain 'fake chemical' by-products. What little I looked, my personal opinion is the same, but I think I'd prefer Frozen Synapse more.

Jack Claw - What little intro it had (it's a cancelled prototype), reminded me of Max Payne story presentation.. Game Noir storyboard intro.
Delves right into action among streets with police(?) firing at a guy (played by you) in a muscle-shirt with one long metal tentacle-like arm with a claw as a hand. As it's a prototype, it seems to track no score, or health available. There's a 'source' file download too.
I never could really figure out the controls to throw things I was picking up, but for an exhibition type demo/project, it was fun to see.

Shadow Grounds - 3rd person top down survival thriller. You're a maintenance worker/mechanic on a terraformed moon, Ganymede
Meh, it's pretty. The first few minutes have my spidey senses tingeing. Problem is, I'm tired of (futuristic/cosmic/apocolyptic/<any -ic> dark/alien/whatever) thriller games. Just too many.
Shadowgrounds seems like it would have been great in 2006 when it originally released. It's sequal that I won't be playing today, Shadowgrounds:Survivor, is probably the same.
However, even in 2006, the horror/survivor/thriller game genre was already over used.

So.. ShadowGrounds series looks good, just not for me.

So, for now, my two favorites, mostly just due to my taste and not the quality (or lack there of) in the other titles, are Trauma and Trine.

« Last Edit: October 11, 2011, 01:48:42 PM by JamminR »
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Re: A "Just Cause" - Humble Bundle
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2011, 03:40:45 PM »
Interesting, They look like decent games for people who are into these types, I watched the video on the site as well.
Personally, I've always only played HL and it's mods. With the exception of Minecraft.  :P

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Re: A "Just Cause" - Humble Bundle
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2011, 02:26:46 PM »
Check out Voxeltron Alpha Debut - Humble Bundle - price it what you want again, cross platform.
Good for ~2 weeks from the date of this post. (I might be off a few hours)

Personally, I'm not getting it this time, but hey, someone out there might like to.
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Re: A "Just Cause" - Humble Bundle
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2011, 08:22:04 PM »
Check out Voxeltron Alpha Debut - Humble Bundle - price it what you want again, cross platform.
Good for ~2 weeks from the date of this post. (I might be off a few hours)

Personally, I'm not getting it this time, but hey, someone out there might like to.

Voxeltron bundle updated. Several games added. 4 days left as of this post.
Email I got (excluding links, but they take you to
Quote from: Humblebundle link=
Hey there!

The Humble Voxatron Debut has a gotten a little bit sweeter with more games and an updated version of Voxatron.

Alex Austin and Binding of Isaac co-creator Edmund McMillen have added Gish, an award-winning puzzle platformer! Gish can become sticky, slippery, or solid at will, giving clever players the ability to overcome the sewers' dangers using his unique physics.

Lexaloffle, the studio behind Voxatron, has added a trio of tasty minigames from the studio’s catalog: the retro platformer Jasper's Journeys, and the puzzlers Zen Puzzle Garden and Chocolate Castle!

Also, Lexaloffle has implemented frequently requested features to a new build of Voxatron, including customizable controls and useful filters for the user-made level list. (“#2715 Cyber Adventure” and “#2738 City” are Humble Bundle favorites!) If you haven’t already, go to your download page to check out the newly updated build.

After the weekend, the Humble Voxatron Debut will be drawing to a close. Buy the Humble Voxatron Debut today to get the Voxatron alpha and Gish, and pay more than the average price to receive The Binding of Isaac and Blocks That Matter!

Click here to pick up the Humble Voxatron Debut before time runs out!

Jeffrey Rosen
Humble Bundle

I have Gish from some Steam sale pack previously, it's pretty fun.
$5.14 as of this post will get you all these games, and they run on linux/Windows/OSX, and are DRM free.
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Re: A "Just Cause" - Humble Bundle
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2011, 11:30:01 AM »

Introversion bundle!
Defcon, Multiwinia, Darwinia, Uplink! And their tech demos for voxel physics and their awesome subversion procedural generator city!
I already have multiwinia and darwinia, but I'm totally getting this anyways :D
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Re: A "Just Cause" - Humble Bundle
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2011, 02:09:01 PM »
Shame the only game I really like is Crayon Physics deluxe.
I'd almost pay the (current price) $3.61 just to unlock / get it.
Wonder if I can give the other games away legally.
Would be a shame to let them go to waste/never play them.
(I've tried demos of most of them)

Wait a week Stickly Man, they often update the bundle a few days into it.
(Though, that also increases chance of cost being higher...still usually worth it!)
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Re: A "Just Cause" - Humble Bundle
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2011, 05:26:20 PM »
Humble Bundle 4 just UPDATED .... 12!!!! games now included, including some of those from bundle #3.
I'm SO tempted right now.
EVEN if I only like 2 or 3 games, I've payed (at time, $5.17) to get all the games.
I could lose internet *GASP NOOO* and still be set with these games for months if not years. ... few days left.
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Re: A "Just Cause" - Humble Bundle
« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2011, 06:16:56 PM »
It is a great deal indeed! I got the bundle for Super Meat Boy alone (I tend to be a masochist), just haven't had the time to sit down and play all of these games I've been getting! Augh! lol

(Although, Now that I just got my wisdom teeth pulled a couple hours ago, I do have quite a bit of time right now :P )
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Re: A "Just Cause" - Humble Bundle
« Reply #8 on: May 30, 2013, 07:18:21 PM »
Talk about reviving a dead topic, but, they've got me hooked.
For the past year and a half, once a month or so, they'd post a new bundle.
I only took part in 2.
Then...just like the pushers they are,  Humble Bundle is now doing not only a once a month, but, WEEKLY!
They even gave me the option to stop getting the weekly announcement.
Did I NOT click the link that confirmed I still wanted to get the weekly notices???
Of COURSE not.

And of course, they've released some bundles over the past two weeks that just happen to have enough in them to catch my attention for a 'pay more than average price to unlock...' price just low enough to make it worth my addiction.
Enough games that I'll never find time to play all of them.

I've payed, combined, about $25 total for all of the games/music/stuff below.
Though most games are available on steam (and they offer keys!), many do not require and are available as separate download. (Good for burning to disc for road trips/etc)

  • Humble Frozen Synapse Bundle - $8.34
    Frozen Synapse, Jack Claw, Shadowgrounds, Shadowgrounds: Survivor, SpaceChem, Splot Preorder, TRAUMA, Trine
  • Humble Indie Bundle 8 - $5.73
    Awesomenauts, Capsized, Dear Esther, Hotline Miami, Little Inferno, Proteus, Proteus Bonus EP, Thomas Was Alone
  • Humble THQ Bundle; - $6.00 (unfortunately, all Windows, and Steam-only)
    Darksiders, Red Faction: Armageddon, Metro 2033, Company of Heroes, Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts, and Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor, Company of Heroes: All Heroes Rise, Saints Row: The Third, Red Faction: Armageddon Path to War DLC, Titan Quest, Warhammer 40,000:Dawn of War, Company of Heroes: Songs From the Front, Darksiders Original Soundtrack - Directors Cut, Red Faction: Armageddon Original Soundtrack, Saints Row: The Third - The Soundtrack
  • Humble Weekly Sale: Telltale Games; - $4.03 (all episodes of the following)
        The Walking Dead, Back to the Future: The Game, Hector: Badge of Carnage, Hector: Badge of Carnage, Poker Night at the Inventory, Puzzle Agent 1, Puzzle Agent 2, Puzzle Agent Soundtrack, Sam & Max: Devil’s Playhouse, Wallace & Gromit’s Grand Adventures
« Last Edit: May 30, 2013, 07:22:08 PM by JamminR »
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Re: A "Just Cause" - Humble Bundle
« Reply #9 on: November 11, 2013, 06:44:53 PM »
Ooooohhh.....ahhhhh.....more cheap gaming pleasure from Humble Bundle.
They now have a STORE with debut sales starting as of today.

The FAQ doesn't have whether the games are DRM free like many of their bundle and weekly sales, or also if the ones they sell that I've seen on Steam are also steam key available.
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Re: A "Just Cause" - Humble Bundle
« Reply #10 on: November 12, 2013, 06:58:32 AM »
Kinda weird to see the store on humble bundle due to the fact that you can get 5+ games usually with the same amount on the same website :I

Not sure if I will use their shop but I will definitely look into it ^^

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Re: A "Just Cause" - Humble Bundle
« Reply #11 on: November 12, 2013, 07:13:18 AM »
I saw this and bought Euro Truck Simulator 2 from it (I find that game fun, okay? I also have almost all the other games, don't judge me) for like $6.25. Great deal.

And even though you usually get game packages with multiple games, those aren't hosted all the time, the current games are pretty cheap. Personally, I would suggest buying Gunpoint. It's a great platformer/puzzle game.
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Re: A "Just Cause" - Humble Bundle
« Reply #12 on: February 20, 2014, 08:19:50 PM »
DROOOOL - Point-click ADVENTURES. (through next thursday only).
Been wanting some (just recently bought "The Novelist" on a steam sale. Excellent game)
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Re: A "Just Cause" - Humble Bundle
« Reply #13 on: February 20, 2014, 08:21:56 PM »
DROOOOL - Point-click ADVENTURES. (through next thursday only).
Been wanting some (just recently bought "The Novelist" on a steam sale. Excellent game)

I got that as well, I didn't pay enough for the raven, though now I'm wishing I had :P I've been going through all my PaC games that I haven't beaten yet, and now my list is bigger :P

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Re: A "Just Cause" - Humble Bundle
« Reply #14 on: February 22, 2014, 10:34:05 AM »
Eccid, if you go to your claim game page from humble sent to you in email, they give you a link saying "Like what we're doing, click here to increase your order amount"
I'm reasonably sure it allows/unlocks the additional stuff if you pay whatever amount they're requiring ($15 in this case).
Towards the end of most sales, they increase what you get if you've payed the 'extras' price. (at least thats what they do for the big bundles, i forget if they do that for the weekly).
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