I created a MOTD image using photoshop then posted it on a free host (Image shack), and used that. You should give it a try.
I then (Maybe ask for permission, I didn't...Sorry Pres) used MrPresidents code to make 3 tabs in my Motd found here: (Thanks Pres.)
http://forums.ulyssesmod.net/index.php/topic,6113.msg29952.html#msg29952So you can edit it however you wish. You paste this code into addons/ulx/lua/ulx/modules/cl/motdmenu Or something like that.
Inside the code has "url1 =" you would put the imageshack (or whatever site you use) link/URL in there so when it loads the MOTD it loads that image.
So for example, url1 = "
www.putimagelinkhere.com", then do the rest for the other 3 url for things like maybe your website (if you have one) or any other pages you can think of. Then near the bottom it says "tabmenu:AddSheet( "Forum", html1, _, false, false, _)", you can change forum to whatever you want the tab to be named, there is 3 of them there you can change.
It's a long post I know lol, but once you start to figure it out it is easy.
Here is an example of one of my MOTD pages.
http://img62.imageshack.us/img62/2626/is4m.jpg It is literally just a picture with writing i quickly threw together in a minute.