Author Topic: XGUI - Fully featured modular GUI for ULX! (Included with ULX v3.51 and SVN)  (Read 571011 times)

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Offline JamminR

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So much for my planned "One whole page of me posting updates!"

Maybe its due to my theme or default posts per page setting, but, the page I'm on starts with Megiddo saying "Good work!" and 2nd post of the page has Krooks saying "Yup! It's nice".

If you reallly wanted to plan that.. you'd have taken that setting into consideration.
Hmm. Maybe that explains the potato peels I've seen around here.
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Offline krooks

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And here you go ruining his chances again JamminR, starting another a new page!   >:( lol
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Offline Stickly Man!

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Foiled again! .. Wait, if I wanted you to think that I wanted a whole page to myself, then I would have told you that I wanted the page to myself so that you'd ruin it for me. Or did I want my plan foiled?  :-X

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5/18/2011 (rev 179)
+Added several XGUI customization options--
   +You can change the order of the main tabs and settings tabs in XGUI.
   +You can now set the position of XGUI (and set an x/y offset for even more precise placement)
   +You can now change the default open/close animations from fade in/out to sliding from any side of the screen.

Changelog says it all! I've gotten some requests from a few people to be able to change the position of XGUI.. so here ya go! All in the updated Clientside settings menu! Here's a screenshot, too-- you lucky folks, you! As you can clearly see, XGUI is not in the center of the screen anymore, and the tabs are all out of order. Customize it as you like!

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Offline JamminR

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Foiled again! .. Wait, if I wanted you to think that I wanted a whole page to myself, then I would have told you that I wanted the page to myself so that you'd ruin it for me. Or did I want my plan foiled?  :-X

Unfortunately for you, "I spent the last few years building up an immunity to iocane powder.", and your mind tricks won't work.

Re: XGUI. Looking better all the time.
"Though a program be but three lines long, someday it will have to be maintained." -- The Tao of Programming

Offline Stickly Man!

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Thanks JamminR! You will succumb to my mind tricks. Believe it or not, you're constantly being bombarded with them, yet you don't realize it....

Update! (again!) Minor bugfix causing an annoying error on non-sandbox gamemodes

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5/18/2011 (rev 180)
=Fixed: Non-harmful Lua error occuring during data transfer when running XGUI on a non-sandbox game mode. (Thanks Synergy Connections!)
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Offline Aaron113

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I am loving this sliding effect.  Looks beautiful....  :-*

Offline the unknown

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Sorry but how can I restrict a certain group from using commands on other groups?
i see the restrict player(s) menu(guessing thats where i do it at)
But im not sure what to put in.

ex. The group mod has access to gimp, but i dont want him to be able to do it to the groups admin and superadmin.

one last thing, is it possible to make all the commands ran by the group not work on higher groups, instead of editing each restriction one by one.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2011, 02:20:44 PM by the unknown »

Offline Aaron113

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ulx setgroupcantarget mod !%mod,^

If that is the correct command (setgroupcantarget), then this will restrict them from running commands on Mods or higher while still allowing them to target themselves.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2011, 05:14:37 AM by Aaron113 »

Offline krooks

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I seriously think that command should be streamlined at some point, there are tons of people who ask how to target groups, or whatever it is, and I sure forget it every time.
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ulx setgroupcantarget mod !%mod,^

If that is the correct command (setgroupcantarget), then this will restrict them from running commands on Mods or higher while still allowing them to target themselves.
Great. thanks.

one last question, is there a way to block them from using the commands on all higher groups BUT still be able to use it own members in their group?

Offline Stickly Man!

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Along with running the ulx setgroupcantarget command, you can also change the can_target setting within XGUI-- Go to the groups tab, Select "Manage Groups..." in the drop-down box at the top, then click on each group, change the "can_target" entry, then click "Update". This makes it easier to look at the can_target fields of each of your groups.

is there a way to block them from using the commands on all higher groups BUT still be able to use it own members in their group?

This is a bit of a long explanation, but hopefully I can help you understand how can_target works  :)

Say you had the following groups: superadmin, admin, operator, users
If you want each group to target their own group and any groups under them, you'd set their can_target to be this:

superadmin: *  (or leave blank)
admin: !%superadmin
operator: !%admin
user: !%operator

To explain, the ! means not, % means group followed by the group name. So you can really just say it out loud for it to make sense:
'ulx setgroupcantarget operator "!%admin"' means "operator can target NOT group admin"   (This also means they can't target superadmins, because the superadmin group inherits from admin)

So, before, when you had "ulx setgroupcantarget mod !%mod,^", that meant "mod can target NOT group mod, can target self"  (The comma basically just adds another separate parameter)

Anyways, hope that made some sort of sense! :P
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Offline krooks

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It actually cleared things up a bit for me, I just may remember it this time :P
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Offline JamminR

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<clip>Explanation of can_target<clip>
Add this to the FAQ.
Press the 'Quote' button. Copy it.
Go to the FAQs and start a topic with "How do I use ULX's new 'immunity'-like commands?", then paste your quoted text.
Theres a post or two around the forum where Megiddo explained it some too, but, this is an excellent starter post, and if I remember, Megiddo's was a bit more technical.
We can add his as 'see also'
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thanks that helped.

Offline Stickly Man!

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Yay! Update! I'm not being lazy! .. Sorta.. anyways, this update just adds some bugfixes that have been sitting in my todo list for a while. I think we're about ready to release a patch update to ULX within the next few days (at least, I want to), so let me know if you guys find any more bugs!

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7/22/2011 (rev 185)
*Changed: Modifying UTeam settings is now disabled on non sandbox-derived gamemodes
*Changed: Serverside xgui.removeData much more more robust.
=Fixed: UTeam information would be lost when changing UTeam settings on non sandbox-derived gamemodes
=Fixed: DNumberWangs on color panels being extra long (due to garry update?)
=Fixed: ULib team data not sent after making changes to teams.
=Fixed: Users in the groups tab were not being updated when a group was removed and users in that group were moved to a new group.
=Fixed: Issue where a group's team wasn't getting unassigned when the unassigned team had no more groups associated with it.
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